Friday, May 17, 2024

Hello everybody! I can't sleep, it’s Friday and not Saturday my usual posting day. I was just up thinking about what is going on with me in this town. Or my Life? I have watched a lot of "The Chosen One" videos and these videos really resonate with me! When the people presenting them talk about a Chosen past life, it’s exactly my past life, when they talk about anything about a Chosen, it’s like it is spot on perfect with my life. I keep remembering when I went to Starbucks on Stockdale 5 days ago and this guy, a younger guy. I remember him because he had a shirt that said “Sex Wax” on it. He pretended to crack his neck and then when he had an excuse to look behind him, he STARED at me like he was staring at a terrorist Unabomber. I have been going to this Starbucks for almost 8 years, and nobody ever wants to talk to me. They all treat me like I am an Alien that walked in. Like I haven’t bathed in 2 years. If the only vacant seat is next to me, everybody is sure not to take that seat. It’s like a Group Gaslighting that is going on. Everybody secretly knows I go there and since I go there and think, and they all go there to fuck they want to Gaslight me to make me do something out of character to make it seem like the guy doing challenging work is the bad guy. I don't know what to do anymore. I cannot just sit in my apartment all day and never go outside! I must go outside my apartment, so I don't go stir crazy, and it just seems like when I do, I get a Group Gaslighting such as what goes on at Starbucks. I find it sad that I as a good person must undergo this but that is how it is. Two days ago, a young Mexican guy was sitting next to me, and a girl walked into Starbucks. He looked at the girl then he STARED at me. I know what he was trying to say. That I am a fugit, without saying it. Does he have to admit it? Where is the evidence? He wanted to get me to react and get me out of character to make it seem like I am the bad guy. I like going to this Starbucks because for some reason I can think there. The Layout is incredibly open and there are a lot of plugs everywhere so I can plug my laptop and start playing my game. I have nothing in this world except a 6-pound laptop and it’s like people want to deny it to me.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hi all! I have been thinking about my life and how isolated I am. It just seems like nobody wants to talk to me...EVER! I don't know what it is. I have been going to this Starbucks in Stockdale and I have been going for years and only 2 to 3 people ever talk to me. And when they do, it’s like a painful experience for them. Like they are just talking to me just so that when I shoot up the place, they can make the excuse that yes, they were talking to the guy he was simply weird and a loner gamer that shot up the place. Not one person ever likes to just come up to me and strike up a conversation. The women don't ever say anything to me ever. In fact, they don't even want to sit next to me...EVER! It’s like the gym I got o. I have been going to this Planet Fitness for almost 7 years and nobody ever says anything to me. In fact, they LOVE to gaslight me. I get verbally insulted every now and again, and I feel that if I don't defend myself, it will lead to them ganging up on me and I will get kicked out of that gym. Every time I go to the gym, this black personal trainer always stares at me, and it isn't a kind stare either. I can't describe the type of stare it’s the same stare I get from the women in Planet Fitness. It’s a stare that is blank. Like they are looking at me blank faced. It creeps me out. I don't know what their problem is. We are truly in the end times! I have long since given up! I mean if even the mentally slow person that goes to Starbucks won't say hi to you and he says hi to everybody then there must be issues with me that people see that I don't. I see a lot of people at Starbucks pairing up and going out together and I am the only one that nobody, I mean NOBODY wants to get to know. I find it sad. It reminds me of my ex-girlfriend. the only one I have ever had. It’s like I did everything you could do to keep her, yet she STILL left me in the dust and cheated on me. I don't know what people have against me. the repair guy at my apartment complex wants to make it his mission to have me evicted and when I call the police officers on him the Police officer calls me "Neo" and laughs at me. It’s just sad the way I am treated in this town because I have taken care of a lot of these people’s kids as a Caregiver, I have taken care of a lot of these people’s parents as a care giver. My family also hates me with a PASSION! None of them call me EVER! And like I said before the only reason they call is so they can scratch off a task on the "To-do" list so when the police officers ask them if they call me, they can all say, "Yeah we do he just never responds". Is this how smart good people are treated in this world? Is the world this full of bad evil despicable people? I am beginning to wonder...I just want to be in a digital world. Everybody hates me!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hi Nerdy People! I haven't posted here in a while about my nerd-life but here goes. LOL! I have been posting in Drug addict forums on YouTube. I don’t know why. It is because with a life like mine going to psych wards 26 times and hated by my family and treated like shit all the time by them. It’s a wonder I didn't do drugs! I mean if the biggest memory you have of your mother is that she tried to use her power as a doctor to have you locked up in a psych ward for life...what can I say about that! That is my mother! I find it hard to swallow that all my family take her side because they all want a big payday when she dies because she is a rich doctor. NONE of my family think it is wrong what my mother is doing to me...NONE! They all take her side because of money...your own blood! Blood IS Never thicker than water and as you get older you will find out that it is blood that will be your worst enemy. I am just thankful and glad that I escaped that hellhole of a house where my mother and father tried every witchcraft spell in the spell book to destroy me. the final one was when my mother used her motherly love to convince me I was gay...the slash on my right wrist. Nobody really likes my mother, yet nobody wants to go against her because she is rich, and everybody just wants a piece of the action. But I digress! As I have been posting on the forums, I tell these drug addicts that it is possible with faith to conquer your abusive family and as a god-fearing person you will have to be persecuted it won't be a comfortable ride. You must walk the line to go to heaven. They use the typical druggie or ex-druggie arguing tactics of that I am "Self-Righteous" or "Judgmental". People seriously have no mind of their own I swear they just use what someone else said and say it. I have also gotten over my firing at Omni Family Health. As a god-fearing man NOBDOY will like you and you must come to accept that. I am hesitant to get another job because I might get treated like I was at Omni there too. So, I will take a break for a while and do some gaming. This world is an evil place and I want no part of it! MAHALLO!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Hello Fellow Nerds!! LOL! It’s been a week since I posted. I am over the firing at Omni. I still think about it and hope that the next job doesn't end up like that. People can be so cruel. I just can't figure it out. Again, it is because I am "Chosen" and that is why. Or it’s because I take pride in my appearance, and I am focused, so the higher ups see me as a threat. Whichever the reason I think it’s a lot of B.S. Its sad that I never get Justice in this type of situation, and it happens in every job I have been at I always end up being bullied and getting fired. Even when I just go out it happens. I go to Starbucks, and nobody likes to talk to me. I sit in the dining area, and most people want to avoid my sitting area. It’s like my gym membership. I have been going to Planet Fitness for almost 6 to 7 years and nobody wants to talk to me ever, and when they do you can tell it takes a lot of courage. I look back at my life and I have had very few friends or even people that want to talk to me. My own family hates me, and I don't understand why. I get verbally attacked by everybody in my family all the time. I feel that I should have been the Scapegoat but since I don't do drugs, the whole family just ignores me. My mother hates me with passion and uses the fact that she is my mother to hurt me all the time. Why do people react to me this way?? I don’t know! People don't seem to like me at all wherever I go. Like I said it could be because I am a "Chosen One" a person who truly has God in his heart. I have seen a lot of YouTube videos and people who truly have God in their heart are going to get persecuted and most people will react negatively to them, very few (other Chosen) will react positively to them. So far in my life, I have run into mostly people that react negatively and it makes me sad...MAHALLO!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Well, Hello, Hello! I am liking this time off from work. I get a chance to do things around the house and play some games. I still think about why people don't seem to like me or want to talk to me. Being a "Chosen" can get lonely. I keep thinking that my Lifelong Sobriety has made me Isolated all things being equal. My life has been a difficult one, especially as a Chosen One. People tend to hate me a lot for my "Anointing.” It’s either they verbally assault me, or they just ignore me and pretend I don't exist. Life is hard for a Saint such as myself. I must do everything by myself, I must fix my car myself, I can't ask my cousin who is a Mechanic to help. I must find my own job, by myself. I must cook, clean, develop a healthy other words I must grow up and take care of myself all on my own. It’s sad that profoundly good people must go through this, but this world in my mind is run by Satan and if you are not one of sinners then you are isolated, and nobody cares! My one consolation is that dogs notice me. The other day I was leaving Starbucks for another day of gaming and nobody acknowledging that I even displace the air, I went outside to my car and an old woman with a dog was outside. The dog stared at me and the old woman, the only person that showed acknowledgement of my existence looked at me. I should get a dog, I don’t know. Every time I go to Starbucks pet dogs stare at me, Like I said I am a Chosen. God Chose me and these dogs who sense things at a higher plane can notice this. Now if only people will notice me or just give me credit for existing! I guess when evil people surround you, they will either love you or hate you or not even notice you. The Sacrifice I have made to be a Lifelong Soberman if these people only knew, the pain, the heartache, the suffering to be Lifelong Sober in this evil world. Anyways I better go, my only companion is my computer because even family will ditch you.... needs me. =D!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Hello My Fans...Nerds!!! I haven't posted in a week, but it feels like years! LOL! I have had time to reflect on why I got fired at Omni Family Health and I just don't know why. I think it might be because I am the Chosen One, but I don’t know. Anyways having no job has given me time to play a lot of games and forget the reason as to why people hate me so much. Every time I stop to think about it, it makes me sad, maybe it’s because I am not in the "In Crowd" in this town so they treat me like crap and fire me. It’s sad that to last long at a job you must be part of some sort of "Cool Kid" Crowd rather than be at the job on the merit of your abilities, but that is the way society has crumbled in my opinion. Job quality is no longer king, it’s more about who you are cool with and not whether you can do the job better than the other guy that keeps you at the job. Anyways today I had my Therapy appointment with Ramona. She tries to help me, but I know she has a lot of patients and can't individualize my care, but it is nice to have someone to vent to every now and then. She makes a good sounding board! I think I will wait to find a job around July. My mother called me on my birthday, and I did not answer. I know what she will say. That I "Worship the Devil" and that I need to come closer to God. My Mother is the worst Narcissist I have ever known! And if you do something better than her, and I do EVERYTHING better than her then you are worshipping the Devil! Before I went to bed my ex-client called me Brooke Beaumont. I liked doing shifts with her, she was nice. She called because she needed to find a Caregiver in Los Angeles which is where I helped her move to. I told her the best way to find one is on the Internet. I hope she is doing ok; I was thinking of visiting her. Till next time!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Hello guys!!! I do not know if anyone reads this, but anyways what do I care?? It is for me anyway, right?! I am over getting fired from Omni Family Health. It hurt for a while though. Especially the way they treated me, for no reason. The life of a Chosen is hard. One of my clients at Maxim Healthcare Elias Bullard might want my Services on a private basis. I might get paid a lot for doing this and I am excited! It might give me a chance to build my Savings. I had to fix my car yet again. The Clutch was shuddering the car and I had to fix it if I wanted to keep driving my car, add the fact that my starting issue with my car was getting worse due to the higher temperatures in Spring and I just had to get my car fixed. It cost me $3500.00 to fix my car!!! Luckily, I have Savings. I always put into Savings whenever I get the chance for an emergency, and THIS IS THAT emergency! My car is new now. It took a week at the Dealership to get my car fixed and I just sat in my apartment getting fat waiting (LOL!). My car drives like a dream now, hopefully that is the last time I fix my car for a while. Anyways, back to my client Elias LOL! I have a good close relationship with Elias, and he likes me as a Caregiver! I will be doing quite a bit for him as he is going to school for Massage therapy. Like I said I am apprehensive as well as excited. I have never done this type of work before. This is not like Caregiving where you just go to a Home and do a few tasks then go home. This is more involved, but that is ok, I do not mind the challenge! I will also get paid quite a bit I hope and the way my life is with my family not supporting me, that is especially important. The only thing I am worried about is the mileage on my car. My car is a high mileage vehicle and I have had to fix it constantly. Hopefully, it holds up to the long drive to Maricopa where Elias resides. regardless I need the money and these jobs where they are so quick to hire me then fire me are getting tiresome. Anyways MAHALLO!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Hi People! I just got back from L.A. doing a shift with my client Brooke Beaumont. I am thinking of either doing Caregiving on my own or moving to L.A. or both. Dunno?? It might fix my problem of not lasting at jobs. I am just too smart for Bakersfield. Dunno?? I am thinking I might run into the same problem over there in L.A. not lasting at jobs, being verbally assaulted then all the blame put on me. Again, I would like to say that I might be a "Chosen" and if that is the case, then people are either really going to like me or really going to hate me, it is either one or the other. I illicit extreme feelings in people for me. All because I do the right thing all the time. At least my client Brooke Beaumont likes me, but that is just one person, and unfortunately, I must deal with more than one person in the world LOL! I still feel bad about losing my job at Omni Family Health, but then again maybe all those people there were bad or did not like the fact that I was that good aka "A Saint". I have learned the hard way that nobody likes a Saint, they will never tell you this, but nobody does or at least nobody likes them at a job. I might have another client to do Caregiving with, but that might not pan out. People need to see things from my point of view! I am too good for a woman, too good to have kids. As a man that is devasting to not be able to be a father. I had to come to terms with this and it still bugs me to this day. You grow up thinking you will be just like your parents have a nice house a wife 2 kids and a dog then you realize later that only a certain type of person achieves the American Dream nowadays!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Hello People of the World!! LOL! I just lost my job about 3 weeks ago and it hurts to put your all into a job only to have people all hate you for no reason, then summarily get fired. I feel like my personality or something about me is so hated that it is better that I do not talk to anyone so as not to offend them so much that they shoot me dead on the spot. I mean with Mass shootings as the norm, this might happen the way I am. I had a call from my ECM (Enhanced Care Management) person, and he interviewed me to see if anything was wrong or if I needed any help, such as more services, as well as if I need to continue services with ECM. I told him I was not sure since I was still sad that I lost my job, but I told him that I try to exercise and play video games to cope. I also asked him if I ever needed ECM later if I could get it and he said "Yes of course" so I said to go ahead and discontinue it. I think I can manage. I just hope I do not make someone angry to the point that they intern me in a psych ward again and my life is destroyed, which has happened several times in the to stay quiet and out of the way...safer for me. In the meantime, I have been playing a lot of games. I really like Total War: Warhammer III. It is quite good! And since I have nobody to play tabletop battles with, this is a suitable alternative. I like how you can see each unit fight and there is so much detail in each unit, especially when you zoom in. I like it. I think Total War: Warhammer will replace XCOM2 for a while. I have been playing XCOM2 for almost 10 years and I know it inside and out. I will replace it with this game. I played Rome: Total War a long time ago, so I have experience. Anyways...HAPPY GAMING!!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Hello all! I have had time to reflect...on things...I cannot seem to last at a job to save my life! I am a good worker, and a good person but people do not want to have me there for an extended period. Jobs do not mind hiring me, but as far as having me stay for an extended period...its "Hell No!". I do not know why. They never tell me; they just fire me. Then of course wherever I go, I get violent looks from people like they are staring at Jefrey Dahmer in the flesh! The world looks very hostile to my eyes! I would much rather be in a game world where I am respected by things that do not exist, by digital people that do not judge me. I have much more emotional connection to my digital characters and digital friends than I ever did with people. I will take a 4-month Hiatus from work to finish a few games then I will start applying to jobs...YET AGAIN! I am willing to bet I will get hired just like that then after a week into the job, my co-workers and boss will all conspire to fire me. I usually last just 3 to 6 months at a job...TOPS! Yet I see these dumbasses last 20 years at a job and they just clock-in and sleep. People need to walk a mile in my shoes and see how it feels and stop judging at face value. It is a wonder I did not do drugs or alcohol with this type of sporadic work history. I am tough like that, I guess. The only job I have lasted long at was Maxim Healthcare, and that was 7 years, but even then, there were several bullshit complaints about me that were just bogus! I just want to be digitized into a game world where I save the world and have friends that do not backstab me, where the bad guys were Black, and the good guys were white, where the good guys get the girl. Nowadays the worst human slimeball gets married I swear! You should have seen a previous boss of mine. He looked like an escaped convict in scrubs and was happily married for years...I hate this clown world! The game world makes more sense! Badboy Industries my ass!

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Hi People! I just got fired at my job and I am sad. Dunno why people do not like me?! I am a genuinely nice person, makes me feel bad, like somehow, I am doing something unconsciously that makes people hate me. Like I have some character flaw that I do not realize I have. Like I said, being a Chosen is a hard life and people really should not hate me for it. When you are Chosen aka or have a Saintly character, you get equal parts good and equal parts bad so there really is not any reason to hate. Life would not exist without balance, and nobody has it all, and nobody has nothing. I think a lot of people do not see the positives in their life and see me all happy and think that somehow my happiness means I get everything, when I am simply happy to be alive, that is all! I have lived in the Philippines and seen people who happily shit in a bucket all their lives and are not homeless that is their "Family toilet" they take a shower with a bucket and a big barrel of water. Life in America really is not particularly bad for the poor here. The poorest apartment available would be a luxury apartment for anybody in a 3rd world country, which is why I am happy...simply happy to have a beating heart. It is so true that being positive, all things being equal, can make you the most hated person in the group, to the point that you will be fired. Is it my fault you can't control your appetite? or your drinking? Is it my fault you do not like to work, and I do? To me it is just cardio for your body and mind but what do I know right? I am just a child that has had an 8-year meaningful relationship with a woman he showed love to. I am not "Grown" and negative like they are. I hate people!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Hello People! Well, it finally happened I got fired for no reason! The life of a saint. You simply can't be allowed to work or support yourself at all, and your family will abandon you for no reason too. I came to realize about 5 years ago that I really don't know my immediate family at all, they are all strangers to me, enemies that hate my guts. I don't trust any of them with my dirty underwear. I am alone in this world now. I find it sad that hate and jealousy about petty insignificant things can cause you to be alone, left to die by your family, but unfortunately that is the truth. Growing up you never would have guessed that your brother, or mother, or Father, etc. would later in life be your worst enemy but they are. that really hurts to know that you were all this time sleeping with the enemy like that old Julia Roberts movie. This also goes for jobs too. At Omni I was isolated, nobody wanted to talk to me or socialize with me, and I was written up for no reason at all. This is a sad fact of the 21st Century. Good people are no longer liked. They are gaslighted, ridiculed and laughed at. This is why there are so many shootings around the United States because of the rise of bullying. This all started when they started releasing inmates into cities and they taught others the fine art of the gaslight. Every time I see a mass shooting, I know that the person who committed it was provoked to no end, and he broke down and shot up the place. This is what happens to saints in this world, they are tortured and psychologically hammered to commit an act that will put them in jail. I wish I could just live off E.D.D. and Food stamps for the rest of my life. I want no part of modern-day society or people for that matter.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Hello all! I had a good week at work this week. Our system went down, and we spent the week doing minimal work. In other words, whichever patients came in, we took care of them. In Healthcare nowadays, everything is on a Network and when that goes down, the whole Clinic is disabled or in my case the Whole Medical Company is disabled. They said it was a Cyberattack, meaning people were trying to hack into the system to steal patient identities. One time I checked, and I was on the system!!! So, it unnerved me. Not to worry though, I have LifeLock, and it has never failed me before. Other than that, I had a Conference with one of the Supervisors and I explained my situation and she understood where I come from. I got treated better by my co-workers after I told the boss in the Conference that Healthcare is "My Calling". My co-worker that has an office just two doors down from me gave me some snacks a few times during the week. So, they are warming up to me. Hopefully, this needless competition is over, and I can go to work and not feel like everybody is out to get me. Honestly, I am not trying to make people look bad. I just believe in healthcare and taking care of people! At least I have a good relationship with the Security Guard, she also gave me some snacks. I am getting fat and need to work out HARDER IN THE GYM. =D!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Hello People!!! It has been a week since I last posted! I had a conference with my other Superior. She is getting concerned that my workload is too high. Trying to make it seem like I am to blame for the targeting at work. I just told her that I get a lot of hate from co-workers at jobs because I work harder than others. Also, my little incident with Berenice was all her fault! She should not expect me to type perfectly on a chat! Alot of people do not type perfectly on a chat. In fact, NOBODY types perfectly on a chat, so I do not know what the problem is. As I keep mentioning in my posts, it is probably because I am the Chosen One. Someone that is a Saint, and my anointing intimidates other co-workers who are not as Saintly. During my awakening as a Chosen, I found out quickly that most people are bad or have worse character than me. It is one of the reasons I gravitate to older people or have a good relationship with older men and women. Because of this level of maturity, I cannot have a good relationship with people my age or younger or even a little older. The problems of Chosen are that they look so young yet act and talk a lot older than they look. So, people do not know how to manage them. Most people I work with assume that I have never been outside at all, that is why I have the character that I have but no... I AM A CHOSEN! That is why! MAHALLO!!!

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Hi all! I had an ok week at work this week. I still get this feeling that nobody really likes me at work, most especially my Boss. There is this hidden competition going on with me and this other young guy in his 20's at work. Since I am new, I am viewed as the enemy. My boss has a thing for him, but since I am doing better than her love interest, she defends him by making me look bad or rewarding me with a disciplinary meeting when I am the most productive ECM Coordinator. It is sad really. It is like nobody really gets through High School! Perpetual 9th graders I swear. The only ones that succeed are the "Cool kids" and if you are not cool, you are out of luck. It does not matter how good a person you are or anything, you are not one of the "In Crowd" so everybody hates you. It makes me feel bad because I am really trying at this job! Although even if I lose this job, I can survive on Food stamps and Unemployment easily since I have such a low-cost life, but that is not a good consultation for my good effort at work. I do not deserve to be fired just because I am not cool! Whatever that means. When I walked into the meeting on Thursday that young guy looked at me with a look like "Oh yeah you want to beat me?" and I looked down sad. I just wanted to be his friend and now he is my enemy. I hate people...I hate people...I hate people! I am a saint! Sad

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Hi Fellow Nerds! Well, my Aura as a Chosen got me in trouble this week. I got into it with the Scheduler. She tried to take her frustration out on me...and I let her have it! She said she will tell on me like the little girl (that looks old) that she is. I swear when people see me, it is like I get extreme reactions! They either really like me, like my disabled clients, or they hate me, like everybody else in society. I guess people just cannot see how it is possible to be this sexually experienced yet still have the Aura of a Virgin. My Aura intimidates people so freak in much that most days I do not talk to anyone. I say like 3 words sometimes a day! Like those Chosen videos say, I am in the world, and not of it. That is what happens when you choose lifelong sobriety. Your success will be stopped at every step, and your job will not hold onto you for a long while. It is a good thing I have a cheap apartment on the Eastside of Bakersfield. Easy peasy rent! But then again, my Repairman wants to get me evicted! I do not know how he is going to do it. He might try something underhanded to get me to react and then call the police officers on me, and I end up going to jail! Which has happened before...but God gives its Chosen people the ability to discern when danger is about to happen. I have dodged going to jail several times. I have gone to psych wards though, but a psych ward is not against the law, so I get out and can get a job easily. I hold on to the fact that my afterlife...will be great! I hope! LOL!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Hello People! Fellow Nerds! I had a good week at work, nobody had a conference with me telling me how bad I am doing. My boss got a new hobby or something, I do not know. I told my boss that I have Jury Duty on Monday and she had no problem with it. I thought she might because I did not tell her in time, but she ok'd it. Then on Saturday when I called the Jury Duty number, I found out I was on Stand-By only. So, I told my boss that I will go to work on Monday and will call the Jury Duty number on Monday. My co-workers are smiling at me a little bit. They kind of are warming up to me, I do not know. I still feel a sense of hostility from all my co-workers even though they are warming up to me. I also get the feeling that people stare at me in public. My Chosen One status is making me stand-out and it scares me. What is to stop one of these psychos from following me home and... That is one of the main reasons I have a light outside my door that is constantly on at night. From being kicked out of the house and put in bad places I have found out that even with all these technologies to fight crime like security cameras, and ring doorbell cameras, a simple light outside is the best deterrent to crime. Bad people just do not like to be illuminated. I have watched a lot of Chosen One videos and a resonate a lot with their message and I have a lot of similarities with the Chosen One Archetype. I cleaned my apartment just now and will do my laundry, hope the Ravens win the Superbowl! MAHALLO!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

What is going on People?? I had an ok week this week. I still feel like people at my job have hostility towards me, I do not know I am scared to socialize with them and then they suddenly reject me. That is what usually happens to me when I try to make friends. People usually befriend for a while then backstab me for no reason, sad. I try as much as possible not to say anything that is offensive at work and to be as funny as possible. As much as I was disciplined on my 90-day evaluation, I am still working there so maybe they had an agenda about my disciplinary meeting for getting the most enrollments, I do not know. I have a shift with my client today! So, I will make some money. I might lose my Medi-Cal due to my high income; I did mail my renewal form; I hope I still get Medi-Cal. I made sure to put all my relevant bills on my Medi-Cal Renewal Form to make sure I still get it. I also got a notice that says that I still qualify, or MAY (keyword) qualify for Medi-Cal. So, I would say I have a 60 percent chance of still having Medi-Cal. One of my Co-workers yelled at me 2 days ago for taking too long going home. They must set the alarm on and sometimes I have work that goes overtime. I have a sinking feeling that she may not like me for some reason. I always have this sinking feeling that most people at my job are not welcoming of me and wish I would quit. It is sad that good diligent workers are treated this way but unfortunately there are many crazy people out there, even in the Medical Field and if you are not part of the Status Quo meaning the "Cool Kids" they will force you to quit. People just do not care unless you are considered "Cool" whatever that is. I am one of the best workers but since I did not pass the "Coolness Test" I will be fired soon. Pray for me.... till Next time... Mahalo!

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Hi People! Like anybody reads this. LOL! Like I am famous or something LOL! Although since I am the Chosen one, I feel people keep track of me or that people in the world are out to get me, but I digress. I had a good week working this week. No stupid meetings with the boss about how incompetent I am, which is odd because I am consistently the top performer at the job. Could this be the product of being a Chosen One? I do not know. I did a shift with my client Brooke Beaumont last weekend which was good! We all need the extra cash, right? LOL! Some of her clients might want to use me as their member of staff too, to take them to appointments or something. I might have a business going at the Group Home Mrs. Beaumont lives at, GO FIGURE! I hope this year is going to be good. My family never called for New Years and never called for Christmas. As I keep reiterating, as I have gotten older, I have concluded that your worst enemies are your immediate family. I hate my mother, Brother, niece, Nephew...ALL OF THEM. None of them support me in anything I have done, and even though they know they are doing wrong, NONE want to do what is right because they are afraid, they will not get a big payday when my mother dies. It is sad really and pathetic that people that you think are good are really this money hungry that they would throw their good relative (because I have been nothing but a good Uncle / Brother / Son to them) under the bus. I must learn to support myself completely now, I am 70 percent sure I will not get an Inheritance when my mother dies but as the Taylor Swift song goes "You’re on your Own kid, you always have been!" Till Next time!