Saturday, April 20, 2024

Well, Hello, Hello! I am liking this time off from work. I get a chance to do things around the house and play some games. I still think about why people don't seem to like me or want to talk to me. Being a "Chosen" can get lonely. I keep thinking that my Lifelong Sobriety has made me Isolated all things being equal. My life has been a difficult one, especially as a Chosen One. People tend to hate me a lot for my "Anointing.” It’s either they verbally assault me, or they just ignore me and pretend I don't exist. Life is hard for a Saint such as myself. I must do everything by myself, I must fix my car myself, I can't ask my cousin who is a Mechanic to help. I must find my own job, by myself. I must cook, clean, develop a healthy other words I must grow up and take care of myself all on my own. It’s sad that profoundly good people must go through this, but this world in my mind is run by Satan and if you are not one of sinners then you are isolated, and nobody cares! My one consolation is that dogs notice me. The other day I was leaving Starbucks for another day of gaming and nobody acknowledging that I even displace the air, I went outside to my car and an old woman with a dog was outside. The dog stared at me and the old woman, the only person that showed acknowledgement of my existence looked at me. I should get a dog, I don’t know. Every time I go to Starbucks pet dogs stare at me, Like I said I am a Chosen. God Chose me and these dogs who sense things at a higher plane can notice this. Now if only people will notice me or just give me credit for existing! I guess when evil people surround you, they will either love you or hate you or not even notice you. The Sacrifice I have made to be a Lifelong Soberman if these people only knew, the pain, the heartache, the suffering to be Lifelong Sober in this evil world. Anyways I better go, my only companion is my computer because even family will ditch you.... needs me. =D!

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