Friday, May 17, 2024

Hello everybody! I can't sleep, it’s Friday and not Saturday my usual posting day. I was just up thinking about what is going on with me in this town. Or my Life? I have watched a lot of "The Chosen One" videos and these videos really resonate with me! When the people presenting them talk about a Chosen past life, it’s exactly my past life, when they talk about anything about a Chosen, it’s like it is spot on perfect with my life. I keep remembering when I went to Starbucks on Stockdale 5 days ago and this guy, a younger guy. I remember him because he had a shirt that said “Sex Wax” on it. He pretended to crack his neck and then when he had an excuse to look behind him, he STARED at me like he was staring at a terrorist Unabomber. I have been going to this Starbucks for almost 8 years, and nobody ever wants to talk to me. They all treat me like I am an Alien that walked in. Like I haven’t bathed in 2 years. If the only vacant seat is next to me, everybody is sure not to take that seat. It’s like a Group Gaslighting that is going on. Everybody secretly knows I go there and since I go there and think, and they all go there to fuck they want to Gaslight me to make me do something out of character to make it seem like the guy doing challenging work is the bad guy. I don't know what to do anymore. I cannot just sit in my apartment all day and never go outside! I must go outside my apartment, so I don't go stir crazy, and it just seems like when I do, I get a Group Gaslighting such as what goes on at Starbucks. I find it sad that I as a good person must undergo this but that is how it is. Two days ago, a young Mexican guy was sitting next to me, and a girl walked into Starbucks. He looked at the girl then he STARED at me. I know what he was trying to say. That I am a fugit, without saying it. Does he have to admit it? Where is the evidence? He wanted to get me to react and get me out of character to make it seem like I am the bad guy. I like going to this Starbucks because for some reason I can think there. The Layout is incredibly open and there are a lot of plugs everywhere so I can plug my laptop and start playing my game. I have nothing in this world except a 6-pound laptop and it’s like people want to deny it to me.

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