Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hello...Hello!!! Yet another week of my life is done. I am getting older and older LOL! Not much has happened to me this week. I got yelled at again by someone in public. I get this phenomenon where someone will yell at me for no reason. I get it at work at Starbucks, everywhere. My boss says it is because people are jealous of me. So, I guess I should take it as a compliment. I think to be honest, that sometimes people yell at me to gaslight me to do something to them so that I go to jail or that if I retaliate by yelling back, they will play innocent, and I will look bad. People are crazy, I guess! I explained to my co-workers that I manage my investments on my computer and they, including my boss, want me to bring my laptop to work to show them. I don’t know if I should. I get a lot of people that just want to use me for my talents and such and then never reciprocate and help me, so I am very wary. Although my co-workers at work seem like good people, looks can be deceiving. I will gauge them and see. I have had this happened before where people have wanted my help, and I help them only for them to stab me in the back and they laugh and run away with my assistance. Anyway, work is going well although I don't seem to be getting as much overtime as I used to get earlier in my tenure. It’s ok I kept my unemployment and if my salary dips below a certain amount, I will get unemployment to supplement my part time job. I have done that before and it works out simply fine. I just need to stop spending so much and as my dad would like to say, "Tighten my belt". Speaking of my dad and family I haven't heard from them in a while but make no mistake my situation with them has not changed. I still don't really have a good relationship with them, especially my mother. My family gets that I want nothing to do with them and that I will take my chances by myself. I just hope I still get inheritance when my mother dies. I am about 70 to 80 percent sure that due to my mother’s envy of me that when she dies, she will never give me inheritance. I know this because when she sold her million-dollar home she did not give me a dime and that she may have given some of the proceeds of the house sale to everybody else and not me, she just did not tell me just to make me look stupid. It depresses me that I have this type of adversarial relationship with my family and mother, but I must carry on and prepare to have no inheritance. I have already made investments in Nvidia a computer chip maker and Apple computers. Hopefully, these stocks will hit it big before I can no longer work. I try not to think about my situation, but it is hard... till next time! MAHALLO!

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