Saturday, July 20, 2024

Hey People!!!! People read this I they don't LOL! Anyways I just finished 1 week of Orientation in my job and already I can feel slight hostility from people. Not as bad as Omni Family Health but still. I have a feeling I won't last long there...WHO KNOWS!! As long as I build my Savings that is all I care about. On the last day of training, I answered one of the questions of the LVN that kind of was better than the actual answer of the LVN teaching the class and my answer was ignored. Like I said I doubt I will last long at California Mentor. I used to work there, and I had issues, but I need a job and I don't care if I must deal with the same issues that I always deal with at jobs I need money. My first day on the job would be tomorrow, Sunday. A 6am-2pm shift. I would think it would be a chill shift but again I am not getting my hopes up! Give it time people will start hating me it just takes time for them to get to know me then, BOOM! ABSOLUTE HATRED OF ME!!! Anyways enough about work! I haven't heard from my family in months. The last time I texted them was like 5 months ago. I don't plan on hearing from them till Christmas when my mother will fake like she wants to see me for Christmas when really, it’s just a reconnaissance mission for her to see if I am struggling and that I need money from her. My narcissistic mother gets off on Power over me. I am debating whether I should have my family over for Christmas or not, whether I should file a restraining order on them. I am seriously thinking of a restraining order on my mother to show here who has the power in our mother son relationship, which would be ME!! She doesn't understand that she is old and needs to be subservient to her son who is younger and more capable. She still thinks she is in her 20's when she is an old angry 80-year-old that can’t take care of herself and needs her young strong son. I ABSOUTELY HATE HER!

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