Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hi People!! LOL! Just checking in, I am doing my weekly tasks that I do such as maintaining my Desktop and Laptop as well as maintaining my apartment. I look forward to doing it. Right now, I am hesitant to get a job in my field with the negative response I get from people. I don’t know, people today are mostly negative, and I am mostly a positive person and people hate. Like I said I am a "Chosen". I don’t know. My mother hasn't called since she called on my birthday. The only reason she called is to get that off her to do list she really doesn't care to know anything about me. I know this because she called once on my birthday then never called again. If she really wants a relationship with me, she needs to write a check for $50,000.00 which is the money she owes me. $42,000.00 for the condominium and 8 grand for the money my dad stole from me for no reason by forging my signature and taking it. I am the enemy of my family, it’s sad. My mother has manipulated the whole family to go against me. My niece who I used to be close to is now manipulated through lies and money to go against me. It hurts to be victimized by your own mother, but that is how it is. Which is why I never answer her call when she called on my birthday. I know my mother. She is a narcissist, and she only cares about herself. My niece Ivy thinks she cares about her, but she really doesn't. Deep in my mother’s mind she is still 20 years old and a beauty contest winner. She is far from that now but can't face it. My nephew is also against me. My brother has manipulated him against me too. My nephew thinks it is my fault that my brother is an alcoholic and that I should help my brother. My brother has done nothing to help me. When my brother was successful and going to parties, he never invited me, and I am willing to bet that he thought he would be inheriting a lot after my parents died. Now my brother is an alcoholic and on drugs now...I don’t know what he is doing in Northern California. He abandoned his son, and I don’t know what he is doing, my family doesn't want to tell me. I know why they don't tell me. I was not supposed to succeed the way that I did and have. I was supposed to be crazy in a psych ward or dead a long time ago, or on drugs homeless on the street. Instead, I am THE MOST successful child my mother has, and she cannot accept it. I pray that in the afterlife she pays for what she has done and that she pays me for the money she owes me. She might pay in the afterlife, but as far as the money she owes me goes, she never will.

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