Saturday, June 29, 2024

Hello nerds!!! I will be needing a job soon. I don't want my E.D.D. to run out and must justify another 8 months of E.D.D. I might not get it and I don't want to chance that, although I have a lot of savings just in case. I have also been playing a lot of videogames lately. I am really getting into Midnight Suns. It is a good RPG about superheroes and the friendships between them. A great RPG! My videogaming is my escape from reality and a great hobby that I enjoy! I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos from independent creators on YouTube and I am starting to realize that 99 percent of people in America have no hobbies like me! I was shocked! I didn't realize that most people all they do is work and nothing else other than drink themselves into a stupor 3 times a week. No wonder people are depressed! You'd think that if you at least graduated College that you would have some intellectual hobbies because after all College is "Higher Learning" but no after college most people just work and drink 3 times a week. Drinking can lead to depression if done consistently. I am so glad I am not one of these people! My entertainment is videogames, and it has saved me from the work and drink life that permeates America, most especially Bakersfield. About all the population of Bakersfield drinks! I feel like I am the only one that doesn’t especially as a male! Which is why I get targeted by people in this town! I don't have alcohol induced depression like they do, and I have a hobby outside work that makes me happy. These other people in town just work get married to people they don't really like pop out kids they don't want and live a miserable life then hate on me because I don't want to do it...Marital Status Discrimination. It is extremely hard to prove Marital Status discrimination because I can’t afford a good lawyer and California is an "At-Will" employment state. Nobody is obligated to keep you hired. Anyways, I always get stared at Starbucks by other men. Not stared at but SNARED at! All because I am there to play videogames and they are just faking like they are working! I should be applauded for not being fake and showing up at Starbucks and being honest but no! These other men at Starbucks have no guts to show their actual selves at a social gathering spot...but I am not afraid to just go there every day and play videogames especially in front of women. These other men just want to be "Cool" and fake like they are working when really if you think about it is me that is working, I am the one thinking trying to beat a videogame and they are just there to "Fake" like they are studying just to be "Cool". Anyways...till next time!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Hello nerds!!! I am having a good week so far. I thought I wasn't going to get my E.D.D. Unemployment, but it came at the last minute. I keep thinking if E.D.D. calls I got my job searches ready...just in case. I have several options for employment in these coming months. I can either get a regular job and put up with these people hating me as a Chosen One, taking verbal assault, taking intentional isolation etc. etc. or I can work with my client Elias. He really likes me, but I have had that before in my life where people have put my hopes up thinking that I found an ally in this world only to find they were just as Tren Genius likes to say Decepticons that just wanted to either use me, backstab me, or way worse. I will get a regular job in July as money is getting tight and I am sick and tired of not having cash to go out to eat. I keep thinking about my immediate family and how they don’t believe in me. It’s like they all are stuck in the Matrix and not in the real world! There idea of being male tough is being a father, but I ask, how can you be tough when you got kids to think about. How tough can you be? My mother and Father all my life never believed in me, never thought I was capable of anything just because I am not like my brother who is a typical male slut, alcoholic. Why does being a male-slut and being an alcoholic equate to toughness...I don’t know??!! My mother and father just have this thinking from the 1950's where everybody drank and smoke and this thinking that you must be like the "Marlboro Man" a Cowboy that smokes. Yes, good luck with that lung cancer Paul! Now my brother, due to his reckless lifestyle is hanging on a thread to life, and I am willing to bet doesn't think he is too bad or tough anymore. Everywhere I go nobody wants to talk to me because I think this way! Which is the correct way to think, but nobody wants to admit it, especially to me. Anyway, till next time! MAHALLO!!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hello People!!! Like people read my Blog LOL! Oh Well, here it goes! It is July, and I will have to start working soon. I told myself when I lost my job in March that by the time July comes around, I will find a job and start working again. I am hesitant to find a job and start working because of the negativity I get from people when I work. I trigger people with my presence! Like I offend them just sitting there. Very, VERY few people will ever like me at the job, and if they do, it’s just casually because in the end they really don't like me all that much. I am willing to bet I will find a job in no time, and when I work, I will get all my co-workers to hate me in...NO TIME! It’s sad I am alone in this world. I have no family, friends, or anyone and I feel like the people around me just want to watch me fall flat on my face or be responsible for it, like I am the enemy. There are Gang-members that are more liked than me, that last longer at jobs more than me. This world in my mind is degenerating if a person such as myself can't find or hold on to a job and an Ex-con can be a supervisor making 90 grand. Then what’s the world coming too? It’s like my brother. He did not do well in school, failed every class he took in high school, but he is well liked and loved by all the people and makes 90 grand as a machinist supervisor and has had many...MANY girlfriends. By stark contrast I graduated 1 year early in high school, got all A's and B's and my family hates me, I must survive on minimum wage and barely scrape by count every penny. It’s a sign of the times...a sign of the times...SAD! Time to go... TILL NEXT TIME!!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hello People!!! Fellow Nerds!! LOL! I had a scare today; I had my Bank Account hacked and someone was making illegal charges on it. I was extremely nervous, but I took care of it immediately and Chase Bank was exceedingly kind and courteous about it and helped me out IMMENSELY! Great bank, I highly recommend them. I have been doing a lot of gaming lately, and I am getting good at Warhammer III. Again, like I said in a previous post, I use gaming to escape this life, so I go to Starbucks every day to do my gaming. I did have an incident where some man verbally assaulted me at Starbucks for playing games. Dunno because, I am just minding my own business, but he felt the need to verbally assault me. I get that a lot from people, especially men. I think it could be jealousy, I don’t know. I am a particularly good person and don't deserve it! I am thinking of getting revenge on him by verbally assaulting him back the next time I see Himi, THE ASSHOLE! I don’t know if I should though. I saw him again 2 days ago and I looked at him all pissed! I don't take disrespect very kindly! Anyway, I got a new 5.1 Surround and have been using it as well as a new printer! They are both impressive, although I think I should connect my 5.1 Surround via a wired connection rather than Bluetooth. All this distraction still hasn’t changed my plight in this world, and that is that I am alone, and no one likes me, not my family or people in general. It’s like seething jealousy that is unwarranted! That is the life of a Chosen, you are not going to be liked by many people, not even your own family. I have a therapy session scheduled for the 18th so I might reiterate this to my therapist. She is quite helpful although she doesn't take my therapy on a deep level, which is where YouTube comes in. YouTube has been the best therapy for me, Watching YouTube videos on what is going on in my life has been an enlightened experience. Till next time! MAHALLO!! !

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hi People!! LOL! Just checking in, I am doing my weekly tasks that I do such as maintaining my Desktop and Laptop as well as maintaining my apartment. I look forward to doing it. Right now, I am hesitant to get a job in my field with the negative response I get from people. I don’t know, people today are mostly negative, and I am mostly a positive person and people hate. Like I said I am a "Chosen". I don’t know. My mother hasn't called since she called on my birthday. The only reason she called is to get that off her to do list she really doesn't care to know anything about me. I know this because she called once on my birthday then never called again. If she really wants a relationship with me, she needs to write a check for $50,000.00 which is the money she owes me. $42,000.00 for the condominium and 8 grand for the money my dad stole from me for no reason by forging my signature and taking it. I am the enemy of my family, it’s sad. My mother has manipulated the whole family to go against me. My niece who I used to be close to is now manipulated through lies and money to go against me. It hurts to be victimized by your own mother, but that is how it is. Which is why I never answer her call when she called on my birthday. I know my mother. She is a narcissist, and she only cares about herself. My niece Ivy thinks she cares about her, but she really doesn't. Deep in my mother’s mind she is still 20 years old and a beauty contest winner. She is far from that now but can't face it. My nephew is also against me. My brother has manipulated him against me too. My nephew thinks it is my fault that my brother is an alcoholic and that I should help my brother. My brother has done nothing to help me. When my brother was successful and going to parties, he never invited me, and I am willing to bet that he thought he would be inheriting a lot after my parents died. Now my brother is an alcoholic and on drugs now...I don’t know what he is doing in Northern California. He abandoned his son, and I don’t know what he is doing, my family doesn't want to tell me. I know why they don't tell me. I was not supposed to succeed the way that I did and have. I was supposed to be crazy in a psych ward or dead a long time ago, or on drugs homeless on the street. Instead, I am THE MOST successful child my mother has, and she cannot accept it. I pray that in the afterlife she pays for what she has done and that she pays me for the money she owes me. She might pay in the afterlife, but as far as the money she owes me goes, she never will.