Friday, August 30, 2024

Hi all!!! Nobody reads this but I say that anyway...don’t know why?? Anyway, I have been working at my Group home job for a while now and I have been scheduled on Crisis Watch on some individuals. As I am scheduled with these clients, I get into little on the downlow ego battles with the staff. I try not to but I have a lot of experience in this field so I cannot help it. I have to say something because every time I am scheduled as Crisis and Violent Behavior Specialist the Violent Behavior ceases, so I had to tell their Supervisor Rosemary about what I have observed the Staff do to the client on Crisis. His name is Jacob! I honestly like him. He just needs someone to talk to and nobody talks to him except to tell him he can’t do this, and he can’t do that. Jacob is so done with life that he just wants to eat himself to death. Which is sad. I mean a 26-year-old man who is done with life and just wants to eat himself to death. When I see these types of things at work it makes me not want to complain about anything in my life. I am Chosen and have a tortured life but to be deaf and treated like that in a Group Home is hard. With all the hours I am getting at my job I have been making money and not thinking about my relationship with my family and how bad it is. Again, the life of a Chosen is equal parts good and equal parts hella bad, and I am about 90 percent sure I am a Chosen one. My client from my previous job Elias wants me to work with him too! I am in demand now! I can't be in 2 places at one time. It’s a good problem to have. I feel bad for Elias my other clients at my other job but as a Caregiver you must compartmentalize and not let it get to you... Till Next time.... MAHALLO!!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hello People!!! Just checking in and talking about my pathetic life! LOL! I just got scheduled at another group home called McClellan Group Home and again I am running into issues with people for no reason other than the way I look. They make "gay Innuendo" remarks and jokes at me. This is nothing new for me as a Good-looking man that I am, I will be FORCED to always take it up the ass by everybody. I also get the vibe that they think that I never go outside ever which again is code for "You are gay". I can't stand people and their big egos. They simply don't have the work ethic that I do in the gym to run 4 miles on the treadmill and do a full body workout 3 times a day. That is the difference between me and everybody else! I respect someone more capable than me. I see it all the time in the gym, where someone is better than me, so I am used to it! These other people and their egos cannot accept that someone such as myself is simply better than them. Every time I go out the levels of hate I get...the laughter at me like I am somehow funny when I am not. As a Chosen you give off Movie actor or actress vibes and these people who could also get those vibes if they work hard are simply too lazy to get them like I do so instead of respect me for my work ethic and give credit where credit is due, they hate and envy me. Which is why they will never have it! The Path of a Chosen is a blessing and a curse! On a light er note I am getting a lot of hours at my job and will get some SERIOUS overtime on my check on Friday. Which is good as I must repair my car. My car is a Ford Focus 2012 SEL Sedan and is extremely expensive to repair so most of the money I earned this month will be spent repairing it. It just seems that lately every time I get on track to having $20,000.00 in my savings something happens where I must spend and then BOOM! Setback! At least my ROTH IRA is in particularly decent shape. Well, here’s to having good vibes at work. Unfortunately, with people the way they are that will not be likely... MAHALLO!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hi People!!! I have been thinking about how my family treats me and I get filled with this inner rage lately. My life has been a very exceedingly difficult one, but God has been looking out for me and I have never been homeless yet! Because of the way my family treats me, I have extremely low self-esteem and being able to talk to a woman or even have friends in this mental state is exceedingly difficult. On a lighter note, I have been working well, doing a lot of overtime! At this rate I will never have kids or a family so at this point I will just take care of myself and hope that when I am too old to work that I can survive...somewhere. I make sure to never drink or whatnot as I don't want to destroy my mentality for when I am old. The job that I have now, I should be able to save $20,000.00 in savings which is my goal and of course $20,000.00 in retirement. Around a week ago I got into it with a co-worker at work. I always have this problem with people, like my mere presence just irks them to the point that they will verbally attack me. I had a meeting about said incident at the office and I hope my days aren't numbered at California Mentor. I mean I really don't get paid a lot at the job, but they give me a lot of overtime which makes up for the low pay rate. Add the fact that I really don't spend much and I should reach my financial goals. Again, I can't help but think of what my family has done to me. I know now they are not family, and it is very traumatizing to realize that your own family will backstab you due to the pettiest reason. Not just backstab you but want you dead! I have learned now that family or blood is never thicker than water and, in the end, it is family that will do the worst to you without blinking an eye! Till next time! MAHALLO!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hi People!!! I am already getting in trouble at work. I can just feel the hatred of me when I go into work. The hate...the jealousy of the way I look. They don't care that I am a good or bad worker because most people are all about looks. LOL! It’s funny because in life I have noticed that the people that go through life ABSOLUTELY OBSESSESED by the way they look are the ones that will end up not looking so good when they are older, and the ones that are not so obsessed by the way they look usually are the ones that end up looking good as they age. It’s like a demonic practical joke on Narcissistic people obsessed by looks. I learned ages ago that good people, saints, will end up looking great as they age, and bad people narcissists will end up looking AWFUL as they age. Anyway, I am already getting hate from women no less, co-worker women who compete with looks with a man which to me is ridiculous. Me personally I will never compete with a woman or ever be jealous of a woman, a man, but not a woman. I had an incident yesterday with a female co-worker who was just jealous of the way I look because in her mind I look 10 times better than her. Again, it’s sad to see narcissist such as this woman age. They usually don't age well. Me, I am not a narcissist like her so of course I look better. When you don't walk around thinking about how you look constantly you are the one that looks the best, but I digress. I just started at the job and a bunch of insecure arrogant women who want to compete with a man me with looks wants to get rid of me because to her work is just a beauty pageant. I swear I hate people so much! SLIME! I am just trying to work and everybody else is marching in a beauty pageant, IMMATURE! It gets annoying! NEWSFLASH! I AM NOT COMPETING WITH YOU YOU ARE A WOMAN! I told a co-worker today that I am seriously considering getting disability and making the excuse that the way I look makes me incapable of holding on to a job. She laughed.... I didn't! Again.... I HATE PEOPLE!!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Hello all!!! I have been working at my job now for a bit and so far, so good, but I say that at every job. Again, I am beginning to think I am the “Chosen One" and that my co-workers will eventually get jealous at my job and then fired for no reason like every other job I have had. Every job I get I will get people that fake like they are my "friend" and will start to give bad advice. Like for example at this job at California Mentor, they want to give me the advice that I should get a girlfriend, which is just code for "We are jealous of the fact that you Leo seem to have a lot of money and we think that if you had a girlfriend and popped out kids, you would be poor like us" again people don't realize that I am just better with money than them. They arrogantly think that it is because I don't have kids, well, a lot of people don't have kids. I entertain this type of fake advice pretending to tell them that I have a lot of issues that is why I should not be with a girl, but the reality is that I have already had a serious relationship with a woman and that I am just above them in level because they have yet to show the opposite sex love. I have already loved and lost. At California Mentor there is one staff that gives me issues already! I haven't been on the job for a month yet and the hate and jealousy is already happening! She tried to say I killed all the clients because I made a mistake on the job. The reality is that just because I look like a 20-year-old, doesn't mean that if you stress me out, I will cry like a 20-year-old. So, when she said I killed all the clients due to my mistake I didn't even react. I mean if you make a mistake that is why there are 2 staff so the other can catch the mistake! DUH! Again, my days are numbered at California Mentor like they are at all my jobs due to ego and pride that my co-workers have and their view of me being somehow better than them. Again, most people think life is a game and the person winning at it needs to be brought down to their level. I HATE PEOPLE! BOTS!!!!