Friday, February 14, 2025

Another week, another blog post. I hope someone out there reads this, or maybe it's just me, I don’t know! Anyway, here goes. I am now about two weeks removed from being fired from my job at Sevita-California Mentor. This was my second time working there, and honestly, I thought I would last longer this time. As a "Chosen One," I tend to intimidate people with my energy, and I think some may even be jealous of it. The way I see it, the only way to boost your energy is to get moving, right? That’s how I approached it—I fought off my laziness and sleepiness, and I kept pushing myself to overcome lethargy. I mean, if you're not going to do that, then who is to blame? I can’t help but think that maybe Kari will be the next to be fired; she has had a lot of issues with the higher-ups. She has a big ego, especially for someone who is so heavy. In my experience, egos are usually found in the thin, athletic, and often conventionally attractive. I suspect Kari used to be good-looking but has let her lifestyle—filled with excess and poor choices—deteriorate her appearance. However, her ego seems to have remained intact despite these changes. Anyway, I should probably focus less on the past and look toward the future! I have an unemployment interview on the 3rd of March, and I hope to get benefits from the E.D.D. so I can relax and play some video games. I want to play through the Baldur's Gate series; I am well into the second game. The first game took about 60 hours to complete, and it has an excellent story that leads into Baldur’s Gate III, which I will play after finishing Baldur’s Gate II. Maybe I will have the chance to beat all three before finding another job, and by then, I will be ready to dive into Elden Ring, the final game in the Dark Souls series. Surprisingly, I am beginning to enjoy my jobless life. While having a job gave me a sense of purpose, being a gamer provides me with purpose too, and it’s entertaining to boot! Until next time…Mahalo!

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