Saturday, January 11, 2025

Hi all!!! A lot has happened this week. Well here goes nothing!!! I have been getting a lot of hours at my job lately. I think it’s because I am willing to do any shift except NOC and eager to go to any house which is not common amongst the other workers of California Mentor. Most workers only want to go to one house as it is tough to keep track of what needs to be done if you have a lot of houses that you go to. I am also getting a lot of jealousy from some co-workers who either wish they had the intelligence to go to a lot of houses and know what to do or at least have the guts to go to many group homes and just “Wing It” as I do. I have this one co-worker at Columbia Kari who I think is so used to being the smartest one in the room except when I am in the room, she has to take 2nd place when it comes to smart so she hates it and gives me a hard time when we work together. That is the thing about some people. They develop a little intelligence and then their ego gets big and when your ego gets big you usually stagnate intelligence-wise. Kari and I argued the last time I worked with her, to the point of a shouting match. A lot of the issue is that she is a woman, and most women nowadays can never be 2nd fiddle to a man but unfortunately when they meet a strong man they must, and Kari cannot handle it. I had another confrontation with another co-worker at Kroll house. She was also a woman. She has kids and if you know anybody that has kids, they think they are immediately the best person in the room, but like I said, this is the case with Kari, not when I am in the room. So, my co-worker at Kroll and I had a little argument about who has it hard. She thinks that just because she has kids, she has it harder than me because I am single. That would be true if I were in my teen years or 20-something years, but this is adulthood, and being single in adulthood is different than being single in your younger years, which is what I explained to her. Because since I have no wife, I must do everything without help. I also have no kids to greet me when I get home; there are just a wall and roaches roaming my apartment. My co-worker at Kroll took offense to this statement because she knew it was the truth and started becoming hostile towards me. I am not going to take crap from people just because they popped out kids and this is not the “Suffer Olympics” We are not competing as to which person ash it harder. We are here for the clients, not some hidden competition. Word got out to my boss Marcus Epps, and he took a client to a medical appointment and wanted me to come. He didn’t reprimand me for my issues with Kari or my Co-worker at Kroll, but his comments made me feel like I should just let these women win. I just nodded yes but I will still defend myself against these misogynistic women. I do not care. Marital Status discrimination in the workplace is real and this perception that single men are just celebrating needs to stop! Nobody with any sense in his or her head will “Live it Up” in the strip club in adulthood, especially someone like me who is completely alone! I mean who is going to take care of me when I am old? The strippers at the club? No, I got to work like every other adult! Also, since I am alone, I must build a nest egg for when I can no longer work. There is going to be a time when I cannot work and if I were to celebrate now since I am a single man that will lead to me being a homeless wino when I am old! People are so stupid I swear! Anyway, till next time… MAHALLO!

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