Sunday, December 31, 2023
Hi People!
My week was a little better this week. My boss was not on me as much, and I did a shift with my Care-giving client and made a little money on the side. I am still unsure about my full-time job. I do not think I will last long at it. Again, something about me causes animosity towards other people and they, after a while, cannot stand me. Every job I have had I am not given any leeway not whatsoever to make mistakes and I am fired for the tiniest thing. I feel like why did they even hire me to begin with?? There must be some other reason I am always fired at jobs, and I am in hot water at this job. I seriously doubt it is because of poor work performance. People just tend to eventually not like me after a while, and I do not know why. It hurts me to think that no matter what I do I will be fired from all the jobs I get, but unfortunately, that is my plight. It just seems like people hate me. Kinda like how my family hates me too. I did not get a "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year" call from any of my family. It is like they just want to erase me from ever existing. I have this suspicion that at my job I am so good at it, that the other workers do not like it, then they proceed to try to get rid of me. At my job right now, it is like all the good I do is ignored and I have done a lot of good, and my boss just focuses on the bad. It could be my personality too. I have been told that because of my quiet demeanor I am an easy target to be yelled at or made the "Fall Guy". Or like I said in previous posts, I am a "Chosen" and this is how I get treated because of my intimidating "Good Aura" which irritates their demons so they would rather get rid of me at the job. I Dunno...I just work till I am fired.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
I had a bad week...yet again!
I had my 90-day meeting with my Boss and HR this week. They kept emphasizing the fact that I keep making too many mistakes. They said that I underwent the standard training that all employees get and only me (I doubt this) cannot seem to get enrollments at my job without a lot of mistakes. I told them that if that is the case, then I must be stupid. Then Julissa came back and said, "Don't take it personally". I told her that I am not taking it personally. that is just the logical step, right? I mean if it quacks like a duck then it is a duck. 1 plus 1 equal two, right? If you trained someone in all the possible ways to train them and they have not improved since day one, then the only conclusion is stupidity. I sat there motionless. Then the Head HR woman reiterated that G code errors are a serious offense and that I could have my credentials revoked! I did not say anything. The people at my job treat me like I am a doctor, yet I only make about $30 grand a year. After the meeting, I thought that they were targeting me because I said I was the son of doctors. A doctor who most of them have worked with. It is not that they did not like my dad the doctor, but a tinge of jealousy is coming from them. I mean how dare a rich kid like me be a better person than them who are poor right? They do not realize that I have been through a lot worse than them and have lived a harder life than them. People need to stop thinking about stereotypes. Just because someone came from a rich family does not automatically mean he or she had a privileged life. Some rich kids such as I where scapegoats and had an awful childhood and have learned better than them to count your blessings. Oh Well, if I get fired, I will have more time to play videogames and catch up with my NBA2k24 season...MAHALLO!
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Hi all!
I had a bad week this week. I am by far the best ECM Coordinator at my job, and I was put in a disciplinary meeting and retraining meeting. I am doing well at my job and it just seems like everybody there does not like me. I can see it in the look in their eyes. Also, the mere fact that none of them even say a word to me, sad =(! The only co-worker that talks to me is Angelica although she only talks to me when needed and not for any other reason. Although she did ask me if I was ok after being reprimanded by the boss and my immediate supervisor for doing an OUTSTANDING job. Angelica came into my office and asked, "Are you OK?" I do not really think she was concerned about my wellbeing. She wanted me to yell something at her like "No I am not ok!" and start getting mad that way they can have more evidence to fire me. At this point they are gathering evidence to let me go. They are making me sign training session paper after training session paper to have a paper trail so they can fire me, and I cannot retaliate with a wrongful termination lawsuit. I find it sad that employers want a good worker but when they finally get one, they hate it SOOO much! It is like the reason I am single. Women dream of a "Superman,” and they wish they could marry "Superman" but then when they finally get someone such as myself trying to be "Superman" instead of liking it, they envy it and get jealous of it. I told my former friends to stop thinking that superman gets all the girls! He gets nothing! He gets yelled at and dies alone in a ditch homeless hated by everybody including his family and friends. It is Christmas time and none of my family ever say "Happy Christmas" to me. It is sad that these women at my jobs these nurses want a good man and when they hire someone like that, they really do not like it at all. People are crazy! It is true Chosen ones cannot work at 9 to 5. I feel sad now.... =(
Saturday, December 9, 2023
My Week in Words 12-09-23 4:40pm
Hi People!
I had a bad week this week. I am by far the top performing employee in my job and because of that I have garnered some hate, I do not know. When the boss Julissa found out I was the top performing employee 2 months in a row she did not congratulate me, instead she had a disciplinary meeting with me! LOL! This is the type of shit that us Chosen Ones get in the world! It is like we are not allowed to succeed or something! In the meeting my boss reprimanded me for little mistakes that most other employees make and then some! She said things like "These are mistakes that should have been ironed out week one!" The whole meeting was like a scolding for crashing the company car into the medical office high on drugs rather than the reality of me being the top performing employee...BY FAR and nobody came close! But instead of saying "Thanks for your hard work, I have a disciplinary meeting with my immediate supervisor and the head nurse. As a Chosen one nobody likes you. You are set apart. Whenever Go to the lunchroom, I get stared at by the other M.A.'s there like I just shit on the floor or something! I hope I at least last long enough at this job to get good savings as I will need it! My family has abandoned me, and I will need it! I have never heard of the top performing employee rewarded with a disciplinary meeting for not crossing your t’s and dotting your i's. I am always hated wherever I go...sad! =(
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Hi People!
Like anyone reads this...LOL! Anyway, the first week back from Thanksgiving Holiday, time to go back to work. Its ok Payday was 2 days after so that is a good present. I got myself an External Hard Drive for Thanksgiving on Black Friday and I have spent all week putting my Movies on it. It is fantastic! It holds like 14 Terabytes of movies, more than enough space for all my movies and then some. LOL! I did not have much drama at work this week as I was transferred to an Office by myself, so nobody can bug me. That is good although it does get lonely, something about no sound and all can make you feel like you do not exist. I always try to break the day up by walking around a bit, which helps a lot. My Co-workers at my new spot are all nice, the one that is right next to my office I get good vibes from her. Most everybody I get good vibes from them at this place. Then again there is a strict character check to work at Omni Family Health. The only person that I did not have a good relationship with is no longer there, she got fired, or she found a better job, I do not know. It just seemed like she had personal issues and she wanted to take it out on the next available person, meaning me. People are like that, I guess. I tend to save my issues for the gym and blow off steam on the treadmill! That keeps me out of trouble! I have not really been playing my videogames this week, I have been trying to put all my movies on my Movie server connected to my router. I should be able to play games today after I get a haircut and car wash. This week has been uneventful. I am optimistic for this job, but I always am optimistic when I get a job, then suddenly, I am fired. I try not to get too enthusiastic about jobs now and do not want to get devastated when I lose them. I was incredibly sad when I lost my Maxim Healthcare job. I built many relationships with my clients there. Heres to lasting long at a job and saving for retirement.... MAHALLO!!
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